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National Conclave Of Urban Cooperative Banks

Contact Preson
Abhijeet Jamdhade
Contact Number
+91 985 042 4232

Sahakar Bharti & Deogiri Bank is jointly organizing 2 Days National Conclave on 28th and 29th May 2022. The motto of organizing the conclave is to resolve the issues the cooperative banks face in the banking sector.

Cooperative banks have played a prominent role in providing financial support to the rural sector. They have started with an aim to promote saving and investment habits, specifically in the rural areas.

Being an important part of the finance sector, the banks have been facing some serious issues.

For overcoming them, the conclave has been planned.

Date Event Time
28th May 2022 Inauguration Ceremony 10:00 Am
Guest Felicitation 10:30 Am
Session 1 11:15 Am
Tea Break 12.00 Pm
Session 2 12:15 Am
Lunch 01:00 Pm
Session 3 01:45 Pm
Tea Break 03:00 Pm
29th May 2022 Session 1 10:00 Am
Tea Break 11.00 Pm
Session 2 11:15 Am
Lunch 01:00 Pm
Session 3 01:45 Pm
Tea Break 03:00 Pm
Uno Dos Tres Cuatro Seis
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